The most valued and popular marble finishes

  • MarbleFINISHES

Marble is one of the most popular materials, both for home’s interior and exterior. For a space that is elegant and worthy of being shown to all, marble is always the best choice. 

In this article, we discuss the marble finishes that are most popular and appreciated by customers and industry professionals.

 The most popular marble finishes 

There are many different marble finishes, and each of them allows for a very particular and different result. Knowing how to recognize them can help you understand what you prefer and what most respects your tastes and needs. 

Here, however, is what is important to know before you start. First of all, each process corresponds to a different result, so in some cases you will get extremely different results-for example, a matte or glossy surface-while in others you may see some similarity.

Another thing to know concerns the use of processed marble: each result lends itself to certain uses, which are perfectly in line with its characteristics. 

Let us now take a look at the main marble processes and finishes.

Marble finishes smoothing

This process is reminiscent of polishing, but with one difference: the end result is a dull, porous surface, not a glossy one.

This finish is achieved with abrasive wheels equipped with increasing fineness, which allow the surface to be smooth but not as polished as polishing.

Marble bush-hammering

Consists of impact machining by which a sculpted surface can be obtained. Combining it with brushing results in a rustic-style marble slab. It is a material that can be used both as an anti-slip material and as an exterior cladding.

Marble polishing

Marble polishing is the most popular technique among end users and the most widely used. This popularity is due to the fact that this finish contributes to the proverbial beauty of marble slabs. It is thanks to this type of processing that marble releases all its elegance and light. 

The polished finish of marble is achieved by using gradually finer and finer abrasives, until the surface is able to reflect light and is perfectly smooth, emanating great luminosity.

Through this process, the marble’s pores tend to close, giving it greater protection from external agents.

Marble finishes brushing

Brushing marble allows for a worn surface, as if we were looking at an old slab that has been used before. The result? A marble with a history behind it.

This type of marble is achieved by using special abrasive brushes. which can be applied to the machinery used for polishing. The action of these brushes tends to intensify in places where the material is softer, resulting in an irregular, polished surface.


Consists of a heat treatment using high temperatures. In this process a series of oxyhydrogen flames strike the outermost layer of the marble slab, causing its partial detachment. Following this initial thermal shock, rapid cooling with water is carried out, causing further detachment of small flakes. 

The flamed finish allows the marble to be used outdoors, thanks mainly to the non-slip surface that is created after processing.

Marble sandblasting

When sandblasting is done on marble, it gives its surface an anti-slip characteristic. This aspect makes it perfect for use both indoors and outdoors.

The process is very simple. A jet of water and sand hits the part to be treated with an adjustable speed, thus producing an even abrasion. At the end of the treatment, the marble is rough to the touch and slightly scratched.

Acid etching

In this finish, acids intervene on the surface of the marble slab, corroding it and creating an antique, rough-looking finish. Here the classic veining of the marble is brought out. 

It should be pointed out that this intervention cannot be carried out on all marbles, but only on the softer ones. In fact, the final effect is closely related to the hardness of the material itself.

MGS Italy: your marble experts

MGS is able to follow all relevant aspects of a project involving the use of natural stone: selection and supply of material-blocks, slabs, boulders, cut-to-size-, quality control, on-site measurement, design-thanks to the expertise of our dedicated technical department-, installation, pre- and post-laying surface treatment.

MGS makes flexibility one of its strengths. We offer services tailored to the client’s needs, following all stages of the realization of a project involving the use of natural stone or placing ourselves as the interlocutor only for certain phases of the concretization of your dreams: from the supply of the material slabs only, up to the design and realization of claddings, shower trays, kitchen tops, tables.


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